Securitatem Group Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Joe McGee, has been admitted as a Liveryman to the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals. The highest level of membership within the Worshipful Company.
Established in 1999, as the 108th Livery Company of the City of London, The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals unites security professionals from across the United Kingdom, promoting education and excellence to its members within the security industry.
Since founding the group, which includes Securitatem Consultancy and Securitatem Installations, Joe has established an expert team, including some of the highest-ranking former Police personnel in the country, allowing The Securitatem Group to be perfectly positioned to offer a bespoke service with specialist security requirements globally. Whether receiving requests for security systems and physical protection solutions, the group is now recognised for its elite response to any security need.
This prestigious honour is not the first time Joe has been acknowledged for his contributions to the security industry, having been awarded the Freedom of the City of London in 2020 – an honour only bestowed on those who have achieved the highest success in their chosen field.