Head Of Compliance

Corporate governance specialist, with expertise and qualification in strategic planning and change, as well as an award-winning auditor, with a focus on risk management and mitigation to enable efficiency and growth.

Prior to joining the Securitatem Group, Suzanne Constable spent two years transforming Anti-Doping in the UK through the introduction of performance management and activity analysis. Recruited to lead on designing, building, and implementing a bespoke approach to both a multi-layered transformation and business-as-usual change. Instrumental in developing UKAD’s new Strategic Plan and successful grant in aid bid.

Suzanne led transformations within National Crime Agency (circa 5,000 staff) for six years. Embedding a new organisation-wide operating model, At the National Crime Agency (and its precursor Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA)).

Suzanne has operated as a certified management consultant and advisor to many boards, both public and private. Including working on Sussex Police’s cultural switch from ensuring compliance to pursuing excellence and leading SOCA’s Internal Audit function. Working with the NAO, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate, and the Home Office to ensure legislative compliance, the efficient use of public funds, and protecting the Agency from irregularity, corruption, and reputational damage.

Suzanne has a diploma in Consultancy (AIBC) from the Institute of Business Consultancy, a Diploma in Internal Audit (PIIA) from the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, an Institute of Management Certificate (MCMI) from Brighton University, and a Government Internal Audit Certificate (GIAC) – Her Majesty’s Treasury.

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